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Help Me Grow: National

A Good Idea


Help Me Grow is a program for children, birth through five years of age, who are at-risk for developmental or behavioral problems. Family members, health care providers and other community providers can call an information line to speak with a care coordinator regarding a child’s development or behavior concerns. The care coordinators then work with each family to find the best community services available to meet their needs.

The program components include: (1) developmental screening training for pediatricians and other health care providers, (2) a toll free information hotline that offers parents and providers the opportunity to enroll children in a Ages and Stages development monitoring program, (3) care coordinators who provide community referrals, and (4) child development liaisons who facilitate community networking and partnerships among community agencies.

Goal / Mission

The mission of the Help Me Grow National Center is to enable and support the building of HMG systems across the country so that states can implement effective, universal, early surveillance and screening for all children and link those at risk for developmental and behavioral problems to appropriate programs and services.

HMG National supports affiliate states by:

Promoting development and expansion of a national network of states that are building HMG systems

Providing technical assistance to help states implement the core components and structural requirements of HMG

Informing the public discourse on the crucial importance of optimal child development

Ultimately, HMG National's goal is for all families to have knowledge of and easy access to statewide systems that support them in learning about their children's developmental needs and finding appropriate services.

Results / Accomplishments

Over twenty states are currently affiliates of the HMG National Network.
Visit the website to learn about the work taking place throughout the HMG National Network.

About this Promising Practice

Help Me Grow National Center
Primary Contact
Health / Children's Health
Health / Maternal, Fetal & Infant Health
Community / Social Environment
Help Me Grow National Center
Date of implementation
For more details
Target Audience
Children, Teens, Adults, Women, Men, Older Adults, Families, Racial/Ethnic Minorities
Submitted By
Sara Sibley